10 Tips to Sell Your House Fast This Fall
Sep 21, 2017
Fall means Sunday football, sweater weather and apple cider: whether you are a fan of the cooler weather or not, you have to admit that autumn brings on one of the coziest seasons. Fall also means the time to get serious about selling a home before the holidays are upon us for others.
As we move into the fall selling season, we are seeing that homes priced right are still attracting multiple offers. The market is primed and ready, and it is the perfect time to get your house set to sell in one of the homiest times of the year! So, grab your favorite mug and settle in because we have the top 10 tips to sell your house fast this fall.
Even if you are thinking about selling your home later in the season, consider getting a photographer for your home earlier in the season rather than later! While the leaves are still on the trees and the grass is still green, hire a photographer to capture your home. An investment in a professional photographer will pay off in dividends – especially as we move into the cooler months!
While spring offers fresh flowers, fall decorates with beautiful colored leaves around your home. Use fall to your advantage and make sure to be proactive with your lawn maintenance. Make sure to showcase a clean, well-kept yard throughout the season. If you dedicate a weekly time to work on your yard, you’ll also have the advantage of showing off one of the best kept yards in the neighborhoods.
With the cool air outside, you’ll need to make sure people feel all the more warm when they walk into your home. Keep the air at a comfortable temperate, open the blinds and use neutral tones when you can. Most importantly, keep the rooms well-lit! The cooler months tend to have cooler hues so make sure to keep your home feeling as warm as possible!
As the temperatures change and we start relying more heavily on heating systems, ensure your HVAC are all checked. If problems are discovered, it’s better to address them earlier rather than when a potential homebuyer notices.
Know that while foot traffic is still high in the fall, you may not have as many showings at you expect. While tire kickers may come to showings and open houses in the spring, sellers do benefit from serious buyers out in the cooler months who are prepared to close quickly!
While the kids are out of school in the summer, more obstacles come up for buyers in the cooler months. Extra curricular activities, family events and holiday planning fill up the extra time many parents do have. Be flexible when considering a range of dates for closing. The more flexible both parties involved, the better!
Fireplaces, firepits, grills, screen-in porches – you name it! Anything and everything your home features that relates to fall, football and family, make sure to showcase it to potential home buyers! These will be special aspects of your home that people will relate to and remember when thinking back to your home after leaving a showing.
Naturally, seller’s are prideful of their home. However, sometimes this pride causes the home to come with a heavy price tag, which will in turn lower your offers. Strive to listen to the market and your realtor’s advice about the worth of your home. Price your home right, and you’ll be surprised at the amount of offers you see roll in. Overpricing your home is always a lose-lose situation.
As fun as spider webs and giant spiders are when decorated across the porch of your home, it’s important to go easy on the holiday decor while selling a home in the fall. Take the time to tidy up and hide away personal effects. You can decorate the dining room with a centerpiece or add tasteful holiday decor to the living room. This will allow buyers to envision themselves living in your home without being distracted by too much decor.
No matter what you prepare yourself for, every home selling experience is different. Stay positive and be prepared for some ups and downs during the process. The home selling process is often long and can be discouraging, but maintaining a positive attitude is necessary to ensure getting your home sold.
With all of your hard work and preparation, you are well on your way to a successful home selling experience. Surround yourself with the right people, stay determined and in no time, you’ll be under contract! Ready to sell your house fast this fall? Click here.
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