3 Weekly Essentials For Success
Dec 30, 2021
Many real estate agents have certain daily essentials, from how they get up in the morning to how they conclude their day. Others have a long-term perspective that allows them to plan annually.
However, the weekly routine, that time in between that helps you to gain perspective on the week just passed and the week ahead is rarely talked about. At Mark Spain Real Estate we strive to have an attitude of excellence. For that reason, we have compiled 3 essentials that will guarantee success on a weekly basis.
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Having an intention means more than just knocking items off your “to-do list” — it also encompasses “why” those items are on your list in the first place. Once you’ve set your intention, check in with it every hour or so to keep it fresh in your mind. This will allow you to be totally present with whatever goal you’ve set for yourself.
Setting priorities, reviewing upcoming events, and preparing for the demands of the week ahead is crucial. Time management is a critical success factor for being a well-versed real estate agent, and your most important tool for managing your time is your calendar.
It’s not always easy to prioritize it in a busy schedule. Consider it like a job project, complete with deadlines, a procedure, resources to be used to attain a goal, and someone to be accountable to.
Simply ask yourself what is stopping you from doing it and what you could change to get yourself started. You will be able to make it a priority some days/weeks/months, and it will be more difficult at other times. If you understand how essential it is and are willing to improve, you will find a way to make the time.
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