Mark Spain Real Estate Grants Fifth 104.7 Fish Christmas Wish
Dec 9, 2020
Mark Spain Real Estate is again partnering with Christian radio station 104.7 The Fish to support the 2020 Fish Christmas Wish program. The company has granted special wishes for an Avondale Estates family. Further, this is the fifth consecutive year Mark Spain Real Estate has granted a local Atlanta family’s Christmas Wish.
Anita is a single mother who recently had her work hours cut back to part-time. She has a 7-year-old son, Ayden, who has a rare brittle bone disease. For a couple of years, he has desperately wanted to have a bike to ride. However, for Ayden, riding a typical bike has too many potential health risks. Thankfully, Mark Spain Real Estate was able to connect with a special organization to design a bike specifically for children with health concerns like Ayden.
According to Ayden’s mother, he has spent nearly all of 2020 trapped inside with friends unable to visit him, due to the pandemic. As a father of five kids, Mark Spain, CEO and owner of Mark Spain Real Estate, was eager to get involved in making this Christmas a bit brighter for Ayden and Anita.
Mark Spain personally announced to Anita that Mark Spain Real Estate and the Mark Spain Foundation has ordered the specialty orthopedic bike in candy blue for Ayden. The bike will keep Ayden safe while allowing him to stay active. Not stopping there, Mark Spain Real Estate will also be providing a chair lift to help Ayden safely get up and down the stairs at home, a supply of groceries, a shopping spree for the family and many other Christmas surprises for Ayden and Anita.
“This year has been a challenging year for all families. I’m the father of five kids, and I can’t imagine how this year would have impacted our family if our children had not had the opportunities to stay active during this time,” stated Chairman and CEO Mark Spain. “From all our family at Mark Spain Real Estate, we wanted the opportunity to do something special for Anita and her son, Ayden, to make this a Christmas to remember.”
The 104.7 The Fish radio network has been granting Christmas wishes since the program began in 2006. This marks its 15th holiday season and the program has given away hundreds of thousands of dollars in granted wishes since the program’s inception. With 2020 being such a difficult year for so many metro Atlanta families, donations and sponsorships are needed now more than ever for the Atlanta-based radio station to grant as many Fish Christmas Wishes as possible.
Companies or individuals can fund an entire Fish Christmas Wish or give online to partially fund a wish. All donations are tax-deductible. One hundred percent of all funds raised are used to help fellow Georgia residents.
It also marks the fifth year Mark Spain Real Estate has been actively involved with Fish Christmas Wish. Last year, Mark Spain Real Estate made its largest donation to date of more than $8,000. This included helping a single mother and her two children get back on their feet after unexpected medical bills.
“We are conscious of the importance of giving back to the communities we serve because one of our company’s core values is to lead with a servant’s heart,” explained Mark Spain. “Our team feels so fortunate to be able to give back to our local communities and help families through more than selling their homes.”
Mark Spain Real Estate has found ways to regularly give back in their communities including Atlanta, Nashville, Charlotte and Raleigh. The firm sponsored a 14-hour Radiothon in Nashville on November 23rd for the Nashville Rescue Mission. The event raised enough money to provide 58,600 meals. In Charlotte, Mark Spain Real Estate sponsored a blood drive in September to support Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Mark Spain Real Estate sponsored 104.7 The Fish’s year-round wish program in Atlanta known as Acts of Love this October.
One of Mark Spain Real Estate’s core values is to lead with a servant’s heart. We would love to serve you as well in reaching your real estate goals! Ready to buy or sell?
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