How to Get Your Home Back-to-School Ready
Jul 13, 2018
Summer has flown by, and suddenly the time has come to start getting prepared for the upcoming school year. The fast pace and hectic schedule that comes along with school each year can easily lead to a cluttered and chaotic household. Dodge the mayhem by checking out our tips on how to get your house back-to-school ready and help your family start this school year on a strong note.
With each additional school year comes more homework. Help your kids put their best foot forward this year by having a designated homework area where they can concentrate and focus on their assignments. Make sure it’s somewhere quiet and away from distractions like the television. Get bins and folders to help keep their assignments organized. If their desk doesn’t already have shelves or drawers, consider buying a desk organizer to keep things like paper clips and pencils together. Pro tip: Pegboards are great for homework spaces and are super versatile. Use them for your kid’s crafts and artwork, or use them for storing small items like pens and paintbrushes.
Chances are that you’ll have plenty of leftover school supplies from the year before, but you also may be missing some classroom essentials that you forgot about. Take some time before you go back-to-school shopping and make a list of everything that your kids will need for this upcoming school year. Check around the house and see what you already have on the list, and what you are missing. This will save you time and money when you go shopping for new school supplies.
From soccer games to piano lessons, the new school year always brings a busy schedule. Invest in a dry erase calendar that can be hung in a place easily accessible to the whole family, such as the mudroom, pantry door or hallway. This way, the calendar can be reused every month, and it will be easy to write things down or change plans. Consider getting a 12-month calendar as well to keep track of events coming up further in the future.
It’s easy to get off schedule after a summer of sleeping in and relaxing by the pool. The first day of school is not the time for a drastic schedule adjustment. Start getting back into your everyday school year routine about a couple of weeks before the first day of school. Start waking the kids up earlier and getting them to bed on time. Another great way to get back on a routine is to schedule out a set time for meals. Eating dinner at a consistent time will help the kids adjust back to earlier bedtimes and earlier mornings.
During the school year, the kitchen is one of the main hubs of all activity. Create a designated snack bin or drawer in the fridge for your kids, stocked with healthy options that they have easy access to. Once they get home, they can help themselves to the snack drawer and you can be assured that it’s a healthy option that doesn’t need any prep work. Prepare for the mornings by having breakfast options that are easy to make and easy to clean up. Foods like yogurt, overnight oats and hard boiled eggs are healthy and easy options that require almost no prep the morning of with easy clean up.
When most kids get home, their go-to instinct is to throw their backpacks and shoes down on the floor. This leaves you with a mess on the floor and causes the kids to lose track of their school items. Organize the entryway of your house by having bins and hangers for the kids’ different items. Consider adding a basket for shoes so the kids aren’t tracking dirt in the house and won’t be looking all over for their shoes the next morning. This will lead to more organized days for them, and less of a mess for you once they go back-to-school.
With these simple steps, your home will be prepared for back-to-school. Learn more about MSRE here!
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