How to Keep Your House Clean with Pets
Jan 24, 2019
Pets. They’re your companions. You consider them to be part of the family. You love them with all your heart. Yeah, it may take a little extra effort to maintain a clean home with them in the house, but it’s worth it, right? We know it’s tough to keep your home as tidy as it is, but when pets come into the equation, it can become even more taxing. So, here are our top tips to help you keep your home clean with pets.
Regular grooming such as bathing, claw trimming and haircuts are not only essential to your pet’s health and well-being but also for the cleanliness of your home. Routinely groom your pet to reduce shedding and decrease unsightly claw marks or scratches that come from untrimmed claws. Establish a grooming routine for your furry friend to keep your home as clean as possible.
With some pets, no matter what you do, they’re going to shed and they can’t help it. It’s a natural process. Combat shedding fur by vacuuming your home often. This will ensure it doesn’t accumulate, leaving tumbleweeds of fur all over your home. Not a fan of vacuuming? Consider getting a robotic vacuum cleaner like a Roomba to do the hard work for you.
Steam cleaners are a great option for sanitizing multiple hard and soft surfaces. Use a steam cleaner to sanitize and clean dog crates, bedding, cat litter areas and even cat towers. Is your couch looking or smelling a little shabby from your pets? Steaming it can get out those tough stains and odors. You can always wash your couch covers, but steaming will allow you to clean deeper.
It’s almost inevitable that your furry critter will leave a mark. The key to preventing lingering stains and smells is to react quickly to them. Once you discover a spill or stain, work on the mess immediately with an enzyme-based cleaner that specifically targets these kinds of stains and lifts odors.
If you have a pet, chances are they go outside from time to time. There’s no telling what kind of dirt, grime and germs they will track into the house after being outside. Since pets don’t understand the use of doormats you’ll have to do it for them. Wipe those dirty paws off before they’re allowed back indoors. You can even find special pet wipes to purchase.
Every pet deserves a toy – or ten! But it’s not so fun for you when they are strewn around the house. To keep things tidy and your pet happy, keep a storage basket to store toys that aren’t currently being played with. Make sure it’s out of reach of your pet so they can’t pull them out when you’re not looking.
When doing your laundry loads, don’t neglect your pets snuggly items such as beds, blankets and towels. These items can hold odor. You might not even notice because you’ve grown used to the smell, but a guest may. Don’t forget to clean food and water bowls too. You don’t want old food hanging around that can add to the smell or attract insects.
By using these tips, your pet-friendly home will remain fresh and clean.
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