In Good Company: Darlene Knight
Feb 27, 2020
Darlene Knight has worked as part of our stellar Client Acquisition Team for over a year! She is a Georgia native with an incredible heart for helping others. We are so thrilled to highlight her character and passion for helping!
Interested in a new, fast-paced career in real estate and working with people like Darlene Knight? Join our rapidly growing team! We are seeking talent professionals to join us. Contact us today!
I was raised in Roswell and moved to Cherokee County in 1989. Some of my favorite things are DOGS, nature and reading. Additionally, I participate in several volunteer activities: Angels Among Us, a dog rescue organization, and I also answer a domestic violence hotline for victims with pets for the Ahimsa House.
I joined the team on July 2, 2018!
My real estate career started in 2016. I worked in corporate relocation with Graebel. Before that, I spent 15 years at State Farm.
I like the variation of my workday! Each client calling our team has a story. I’m very passionate about helping people with their next chapter in life.
I love our team effort the most! Each of us has our own unique style when speaking to clients. It makes every day interesting! I think it’s amazing that we all work so well together to make our department successful and contribute to the growth of this company.
Working at Mark Spain Real Estate has shown me firsthand how a dedicated team equals success. I am very proud of the company I represent.
My passion is animal rescue and outreach. I have worked in rescue for the past 20 years and have been with Angels Among Us since 2009. I realize that some owners face hardships and are needing a hand up not a hand out. My organization is the largest in the southeast and the largest foster based in the country. On any given day we have 500 dogs in care.
I also man the Ahimsa House hotline which assists pet owners who are in domestic violence situations. We cover all of Georgia. We will vet and foster any animal for up to 60 days, allowing the victim to regroup (often in a battered women’s shelter) and establish a safe environment for themselves and their pets.
Writing and public speaking! I have been told it is something I do very well and my friends have encouraged to focus more on it. My stories include rescue and pieces about addiction.
Additionally, I am proud to be a part of a dogumentary that will be released soon. Recently, I was featured on 11 Alive in a story about shelter dogs and addicts. My oldest son has been a heroin addict for 7 years. I understand the battle and help others, through writing, fight the war.
People who have been at their lowest point and pulled themselves out. I also am inspired by those who look past themselves and give unselfishly to others in need because it is the right thing to do. I was taught two things growing up: to touch the life of someone or something everyday, and to speak for those without a voice. That mantra I passed on to my three children as well. My mama, my biggest inspiration, taught me to give without doubt and love without judgement. It is how I live everyday in her honor.
I have made so many friends in my department! One of those people is, Kate North. She is one of those people you feel you have known forever. We have become very close and I don’t ever see this friendship ending! Additionally, this department is filled with unique, amazing individuals.
I am seeking a life change. This has been a difficult one for me. I have had some tough trials, but also unexpected blessings. I will be working on myself and making myself a better future.
Want to work with incredible people like Darlene Knight? We are hiring! Contact us to learn more.
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Mark Spain Real Estate is grateful to serve all of Metro Atlanta and Athens in Georgia, Charlotte and Raleigh in North Carolina, Orlando and Tampa in Florida, and Nashville in Tennessee!
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