Mark Spain Gives a Very Special Fish Wish
Dec 21, 2018
Every year, Mark Spain Real Estate gets the opportunity to grant a Fish Christmas Wish to one of the listeners of 104.7 the Fish in Atlanta. This year, we were so excited to grant a very special wish to Heather and her family.
Heather has two kids, Josiah and Mason, both under the age of two who battle with heart complications. The past year had been an extra hard one on them and when we heard that we had the opportunity to h
elp in any way, we jumped at the occasion.
“I’m a dad of 5 kids so Heather’s story touched my heart,” said Mark Spain. “Little things like diapers, wipes and baby food can really add up, especially when you are having to worry about medical expenses too!”
On November 27th, we met Parks Stamper in the studio at 104.7 the Fish to make the announcement. Following sharing the news, we got to work to ensure Heather and her family had one Christmas they would never forget!
Our team worked together to gather Mickey Mouse and Paw Patrol toys for her sons, warm blankets and coats for the winter, hats, gloves, shoes and more! We also wanted to be able to help Heather not worry about the cost of rent, gas and groceries this December.
On December 19th, Heather and her two boys joined us at Mark Spain Real Estate. “I want to make sure Heather and her kids have one incredible Christmas!” exclaimed Mark Spain.
We are so thankful to be able to aid in any way we can and give back to the community, at Mark Spain Real Estate. We want to lead with a servants heart in all that we do, and this is exemplary of that. We are proud of our team and their countless efforts to be great. This Fish Wish is a special time for Mark Spain Real Estate to give back and show thankfulness to all. We would not be where we are today without our community including those who help in the Fish Wish Christmas.
Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season from all of us at Mark Spain Real Estate.
Mark Spain Real Estate is actively searching for new and dedicated individuals who are yearning to learn and grow daily and sell real estate in this ever-growing industry! If you lead with a servant’s heart and want to be apart of this Mark Spain family, contact us today and you too can help grant a Fish Wish!
Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn to stay up to date on all things real estate!
Mark Spain Real Estate is grateful to serve all of Metro Atlanta and Athens in Georgia, Charlotte and Raleigh in North Carolina, Orlando and Tampa in Florida, and Nashville in Tennessee!
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