Mark Spain Real Estate has prepared a moving checklist so you can make your move easier! Regardless of how far away your new home is, relocating can often be a very stressful and hectic endeavor. Make the move easier by being as organized and prepared as possible. A simple way to accomplish this is by creating a moving checklist, or even multiple checklists. We’ve put together the checklists below to help make sure you don’t forget anything and to help you be prepared for any problems that arise.
Before The Move
- Update your address with the post office, revenue agencies, your credit card company, utility companies, subscriptions services, and of course your family and friends
- Change your bank account and let your insurance company know about your move
- Find a new doctor, dentist, chiropractor, pharmacy, vet, etc. and be sure to get your medical history/records to take with you
- Schedule a date to have your utilities disconnected and connected at your new house
- Register your children in a new school
- Get a relocation package from your real estate agent or your new city’s Chamber of Commerce
- Get any appliances or larger items ready for the move
Moving Checklist
- Do a final check of each room to ensure nothing is left behind
- Keep important/valuable items and documents with you, as opposed to in a box in a moving truck
- Leave your keys with your real estate agent
- Have your kids pick out games or books they’d like to have with them while you’re traveling to your new home
- Keep pet food and toys with you in the car so you can easily access them once you get to your new home
When You Arrive at Your New House
- Introduce your pets to each area of the house over a period of a few days (helps reduce their stress level)
- Register your car and change your driver’s license
- Get your utilities started
- Set up any appointments you may need (doctor, dentist, etc.)
- Update your pet licenses and tags
The above moving checklists are by no means exhaustive, but they are a good starting point. Being organized and prepared for your relocation are the easiest things you can do to ensure things go smoothly and you can start enjoying life in your new home.
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Mark Spain Real Estate is grateful to serve all of Metro Atlanta and Athens in Georgia, Charlotte and Raleigh in North Carolina, Orlando, Tampa, and Jacksonville in Florida, and Nashville in Tennessee!