Top Tips for Moving with Kids
Jan 26, 2024
Moving can be an overwhelming experience, and adding kids into the mix only heightens stress levels. Whether you’re worried about them adjusting to a new home or interfering with your moving day processes, moving with kids can take a lot out of you. Luckily, we have some ways to make your moving day with kids just a tad bit easier.
At Mark Spain Real Estate, we’re always looking for ways to make your life easier through the home-buying or selling process. Our seasoned experts offer valuable insight into the moving process, helping you make the process as stress-free as possible with your little ones. Below, we’ve compiled a list of our top tips for homeowners moving with kids.
At first, you may find your children are not excited about moving homes. Whether that be because they’ll miss their old bedroom or neighborhood friends, your kids have every right to be against the idea of moving. As a parent, your job is to get your children excited about moving to somewhere new. You could bring them to your new neighborhood and show them the nearest playground. Or, you allow them to take complete control of decorating their new room. Little gestures like these could completely change your child’s attitude about moving and excite them about their new home.
Getting your kids involved on moving day is always a good idea. Not only will it give your child a sense of importance, but it will also occupy their attention while you deal with your movers on moving day.
Though your kids might want to lend helping hands, they might be too young to do so. If this is the case, they will need childcare on moving day. Even if you have older children who could look after their younger siblings, there might be times when that won’t suffice. For really young kids, the best rule of thumb is to arrange childcare far in advance. Doing so will put your parental mind at ease and allow you to focus entirely on the moving process.
Kids are programmed to be weary of strangers. That said, you’ll need to find ways to make them feel comfortable when your professional movers visit. On moving day, take the time to introduce your kids to the movers and make them feel at ease. This small gesture will make a massive difference in your kid’s moving experience.
Moving can be an emotional experience, especially for young children. If you have the time, let your kids have a moment with your old home before they say goodbye.
If your family is moving homes, allow us to help you get the job done. With decades of industry experience, our professionals will help you exceed your real estate goals hassle-free! Check out our Guaranteed Offer Program for the potential to receive a competitive cash offer on your home in only 21 days. Contact our agents today!
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