Lake Ranch Estates Homes & Real Estate
Browse below to see new Lake Ranch Estates homes for sale! Overall, the homes within the Lake Ranch Estates subdivision of Lake Lanier have an average selling price of nearly $370K. Ultimately, there’s a wide variety of choices with many of the homes featuring four or more bedrooms. Additionally, many of the homes serve as vacation rentals or the owners use them as vacation homes for their families. However, some of the homes are owner-occupied year-round, as well.
For more information or to schedule a private home showing, call your Gainesville homes and real estate specialists – Mark Spain Real Estate at (855)-299-7653.
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Lake Ranch Estates Community
The subdivision is located in Gainesville, Georgia near Lake Lanier. Overall, it is a vibrant community with certainly plenty to offer for residents. Furthermore, the community is located near the Chestatee River, which is just north of Browns Bridge. Also, it is on the west side of Lake Lanier.
Lake Ranch Estates is found in Hall County. Districted schools for this subdivision include:
- Sardis Elementary
- Chestatee Middle
- Chestatee High Schools
Also, the community is close to Little Hall Park as well as Sardis Creek Park. In addition, the closest marina to the subdivision is the Gainesville Marina.
All in all, this is one of the more affordable subdivisions within the Lake Lanier area. For this reason, the homes tend to be smaller. Regardless, living in this subdivision still provides easy access to Lake Lanier and the many amenities found throughout this area.
Lake Lanier Activities
Lake Lanier is a year-round lake community with certainly plenty of attractions and activities. Uniquely, it is one of the most attractive lakes in the entire county! Additionally, more than 7 million people visit the lake every year to enjoy the many activities, which include:
- Golfing
- Fishing
- Canoeing
- Kayaking
- Camping
- Waterskiing
- Wakeboard
- Swimming
- Hiking
- Sailing
- Boating
- Hunting
- And more!
Together with the lake and mountain views, this make Lake Ranch a very desirable area. In addition, residents enjoy walking on the Appalachian Trail. Furthermore, Atlanta is less than an hour away! Overall, living in the Lake Ranch Estates subdivision provides an affordable way to enjoy the lake and the many activities found throughout the area.